John and I have been looking for a dog, and thought we had found a great deal on an Irish Wolfhound last week. I quickly figured out that what I was actually dealing with was a Nigerian Puppy Scam. Basically, they list a purebred puppy at a REALLY good price (in this case $300) and say it includes shipping if you'll just adopt a puppy who needs a good home. In my case, the 'breeder' Sonya Burton said the owner of the dog had been sent to Nigeria as a missionary and asked me to contact him directly. I contacted Reverend Chapis to ask for more information and was pretty shocked when he offered to send me his baby (the puppy) without asking any questions about me, as long as I would send him the money. He also wasn't forthcoming with answers to my questions like: What is her name? What is her coloring? etc.
Anyway, with the input of some buddies at work, I've been messing with them a little...Bwa-hahahaha. There's nothing I can really do to stop him, so I'm just wasting his time and having a little fun while I'm at it.
Here is the first one from the Rev (reverendchapis@gmail.com):
First of all, I must thank my living Lord that I found an intendingparent for my baby, I also give thanks to the breeder that directedyou to me. I`m giving her out for adoption. She is 12 weeks oldcurrently and Akc registered with all her shots are up to date. she is$300 shipping included. I got relocated to westafrica recently and could not take care of the baby anymore. I want agreat home for her because she is my real baby. The weather here isnot conducive for her that is why I want to get her out as soon aspossible and I will be very happy if you will be one to take her asyour baby. I never wanted to give her out but the weather here in WestAfrica is not helping matter at all. If you are interested kindly getback to me with your full shipping information such as the following:Full name...................Address.....................Phone Number................City......................State.......................Zip Code......................Nearest Airport........... So that i can forward it to my shipping agent for shippingarrangements to commence pending when payment is made. Get back to meas soon as possible
So I said:
> My husband and I are very excited to adopt your dog. I do have some further> questions before I send the money. What is the dog's name? What is her> coloring? Do you have some pictures you could send? If she is sent from> Africa, will she need to be quarantined? I would like to let you know that> although we do perform ritual animal sacrifices, your baby is not intended> for this purpose. Also, will you accept paypal?
His response:
Hello Cynthia, Am sorry for the late response,i was in a missionary field that iswhy am unable to get back to you,meanwhile i will want you to knowthat she is akc and ckc registered and she will be coming with all herpapers so she does not need to be quarantined,meanwhile i will wantyou to go ahead and email me your full shipping information.information such as the following:Full name...................Address.....................Phone Number................City......................State.......................Zip Code......................Nearest Airport........... So that i can forward it to my shipping agent for shippingarrangements to commence pending when payment is made. Get back to meas soon as possible
> I'm glad that you don't seem bothered by the ritual sacrifices at all - we> were worried that you may not want your baby in the house of people like> us! We still want to know what her coloring is, as we do not allow anything> white to enter our home.>> My name: Cynthia Delaney> Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.> Phone Number: 212-420-8800> City: Toad Suck> State: AR> Zip Code: 72032> Nearest Airport: Texarkana Regional Airport>> Does the dog have a name? Also, what blood type are you?
I am very happy to find someone like you for the puppy...Her name isQuincy she is well trained and well animated that she will keep youand your family entertained for hours...You can go to western unionand send the money now the puppy will arrive to you first thing OnThursday morning and it will be by next day delivery i will forward youthe shipping information after the shipment of the puppy has takingplace,below is the western union information: Here is the information where payment will be confirm by western union below... Receivers name :MADE GODWIN Address :10 Creek Road , Apapa,Lagos , Nigeria . 23401 Text Question : The Lord Is GoodAnswer :All The Time Get back to us with the western union money transfer details forconfirmation immediately you have the money sent ..Details like ..... 1 . Sender's Name and Address Use In Sending The Money 2 . Receiver's Name ...........(MADE GODWIN)3 . MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number ) 10 DigitNumber ..........4 . Test Question And Answer ( Question :The Lord IsGood / Answer:All The Time5 . Total Amount Sent ..............Should be $300 Once you get back to me with all this information the puppy will beshipped to you immediately and i will forward to you the trackingnumber and some other details.God bless you and I will always remeber you in my daily prayer.Thank you very much and God bless you and your family too. God Bless You
Rev. Chapis,
The oracles have shown me that a dog with the name Quincy may bring bad luck. Would it be possible to change her name to Dumbassia? She must be shipped as such or we cannot possibly accept her into our dungeon. Also, I am concerned about sending the money to the person you named below, as you and I have already formed a special bond. I'll send it to you, Reverend Chapis, instead of Made Godwin, ok? Thank you again - we can't wait to add Dumbassia to our collection. Now if I can only find a jar large enough...
Thanks again - Cynthia
The picture above is of the puppy we adopted from a local shelter yesterday, we named her Sookie Stinkhouse and she's a doll!
1 comment:
Im so glad that I googled his name and got this information before I sent the money. he used the exact information he gave to you for me on a German Shepard puppy named Quincy thanks for posting you saved me $300.
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